Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Night Travelling

by Trevor Parker

Amazement; a feeling that fills me as the horizon passes.

Red rock cliffs alone solemnly salute the setting sun.

Mountain and hill rising majestically from desert floor;

They circle round me as earthy ripples of God’s splendor.

The hills are clear, the hills are pure,

Ornamented with only the simplest brush.

They are unafraid to reach up and touch the heavens that,

In the fading light,

Hang low and seemingly bow down to meet the earth.

The noble blue sky fades to gray,

An inevitable progression to black.

The sun casts the last of its warm glow over the western rim of creation;

A warm orange reminder that the sun will return in the not so distant future.

The red cliffs and hills grasp at the light as it slowly slides away.

The fires of the sun, dwindling reluctantly,

Are finally extinguished in mere temporal defeat of night.

Through Cities we pass, past towns we speed.

Green fields lay in peace,

Slowly vanishing into the dark.

Trees rest from the day’s breezes.

And as the eye passes from their silent boughs

The first glint of light awakes in the night sky.

With a shrug of a twinkle,

The star dawns its nightly vigil.

One to wish upon, then two! Three becomes four!

With glimmering spurts they appear in groves.

They add hope in the colorless void that so recently was filled with blue.

Strange hulks of shapes linger just out of our little lights range.

Dense fog flits in through the hills.

Night sounds creep past us as we continue on our way.

With pillow against the window,

I doze until dawn.

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